About Contractors Landfill and Recycling

We accept clean concrete and asphalt from in-house demolition projects, demo from other contractors as well as the general public. The concrete and asphalt that is discarded at our facility is then processed through our crusher system and distributed back into the industry allowing for a “GREEN” approach to construction. This newly recycled material is tested by the City of Mesa and/or other private testing companies to see if we meet the job specified requirements. This material can be used for road base, floor sub base, backfill material and to assist in the development of temporary or permanent roadways.

At Contractor’s Landfill and Recycling, not only are you able to dispose of your concrete and asphalt, but purchase a wide variety of materials; including Mag Spec ABC and GSA, 1-3” track out rock, concrete and mortar sand, pad fill material, top soil and general fill materials. We also offer truck rental to help with your hauling needs. We are an “eco-friendly” company which means a lot to today’s consumers.

Recent Projects

Materials Available For Purchase

Mag Spec GSA/Recycled Aspahlt
GSA at Contractor’s Landfill and Recycling also meets MAG Spec 702.2. It is used under some roads as a base material and in alleys and parking lots for dust control, just to name a few uses.

Mag Spec ABC/Recycled Concrete
ABC or AB, short for Aggregate Base Course is a material that consists of hard, graduated fragments of inert materials ranging from 1.5” down to sand size particles. Here at Contractor’s Landfill and Recycling our “ABC” is recycled to meet MAG Specification 702.2 of the Maricopa Association of Governments. It is used as a compaction material under concrete slabs, as road base and as backfill material for underground pipelines, just to name a few uses.

We offer a variety of dirt products varying from 1” Pad Fill, 3” General Fill, 3/8” minus Topsoil, Landscape Mulch (90% 1”minus dirt & mulch), 3” minus Non-Spec dirt and just Non-spec Dirt. We always recommend you check on availability and have your testing company test the material to make sure it meets your job requirements.

Track Out Rock & 3/8” Non Spec Rock
We keep a small amount of 1-3” track out rock as well as 3/8” non-spec rock in stock for our customers. The track out rock is used for dust control in and out of jobsites. The 3/8” non-spec is used as a backfill for pipe in some situations.

Landscaping Rock
We keep a small amount of ½” Madison Gold and ¼” Madison Gold in stock for our customers. We also have a 3-6” river rock, 8” plus river rock as well as some riprap rock.

We keep a small amount of Concrete and Mortar Sand in stock for our customers. It is generally used for masonry, plastering, horse arenas, landscaping etc.

For additional information about our products and pricing, please contact us at 480.892.8025.

Contact Us

15 + 1 =

Contractors Landfill & Recycling

2425 N. Center Street
Mesa, AZ 85201
Phone: (480) 892-8025

Contractors Landfill and Recycling